200th Post Extravaganza!

Okay, there’s really no extravaganza here, it just sounded like a really cool post title.

So in case you couldn’t tell, this is the 200th post to my blog. Wow! 200 posts. It’s also been 3 years since I started blogging. That anniversary passed back in November, and I spent some time then looking at all the crazy stuff that’s happened since then. Since it’s pretty cool to look at, here’s a brief recap of the big things!

Since I started this blog, I have…

  • Finished writing my first book
  • Self-published said book
  • Gotten a Mustang
  • (Re-)Started writing my second book
  • Had a baby
  • Quit my day job
  • Finished writing my second book
  • Started drinking tea
  • Started writing my third book

And that’s sort of it for major keynotes, but that’s still an awful lot of change in three years. There have been tons of other, smaller happenings. Things like going to conventions, a brief stint as an assistant for a small publisher, and starting a few new business ventures. All of which are exciting, to be sure, but not necessarily life changing.  The businesses have the opportunity to become life changing, though, so there is that.

So, um, there you have it. Hopefully the next 3 years will have just as many big exciting events happening.
In the meantime, here’s a picture of a party hat I found on Google.

Sorry about the no extravaganza thing.

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